Doctors are calling it a medical breakthrough for people who suffer from what are called essential tremors. The new ...
The disparity between patients with public and private insurance may play into a further inequality of prenatal diagnoses of ...
Objectives Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of mortality in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Frailty has been ...
很多女性朋友碰到令人生气的事情,都会劝说自己:“不要生气,为这种事儿气出子宫肌瘤不值得。” 这种主动维护情绪健康的意识很值得称许,不过话说回来,负面情绪真的会促成子宫肌瘤的增长吗? 唉,真的会啊…… 子宫肌瘤是什么?
三星电子涉足医疗领域的动作要追溯到14年前。2010年12月14日,三星集团收购超声波诊断仪器制造商麦迪逊和换能器探头和电缆制造商Prosonic;次年4月,三星生物制药正式成立, 三星集团 终于在万众期待下踏上了医疗这块巨大的产业版图。
A woman who dropped four dress sizes in five months, going from a size 20 to a 12, has shared the keys to her success, which ...
2021年国际炎症性肠病组织(IOIBD)发布的STRIDE-Ⅱ共识表示,断层影像学检查所体现的透壁愈合可作为黏膜愈合的补充,该共识还建议临床将透壁愈合作为CD内镜缓解的辅助手段, 代表更深层次的疾病愈合 ,是CD潜在的治疗目标 [5] ...
as opposed to an abdominal ultrasound at around 12 to 15 weeks of gestation on pregnant people with obesity. This is the period during which certain congenital disorders can more often be spotted and ...
This AI-powered device could potentially allow for on-field diagnosis of injuries, immediate assessment of the extent of ...
A lumbar puncture, also known as a spinal tap, is a common clinical procedure that uses a hollow needle to penetrate the ...