该研究揭示了高毒力超级细菌感染致病的新型毒力机制,发现了靶向抑制该毒力机制的非编码RNA分子,为开发新型抗感染药物和超级细菌疫苗提供了 ...
心力衰竭(简称心衰)是各种心脏疾病发展的终末阶段,在目前最优化的治疗策略情况下,心衰患者的入院率、死亡率仍然居高不下。RNA结合蛋白是多种心血管疾病的调节因子,RNA解旋酶(dead-box helicase 5,DDX5)是许多RNA的主要调节因子 ...
这一进展为一系列疾病带来了希望,为现有的RNA疗法提供了一种更持久的替代方案。现有的RNA疗法在体内的效果往往很短暂。 这项研究发表在8月26日的《自然生物医学工程》杂志上。 RNA分子已经成为现代医学的有力工具。它们可以通过小干扰rna (sirna)沉默基因 ...
Similarly, although it has been shown that the length of dsRNA can affect the potency of RNAi 26, the precise minimum sequence length to achieve strong RNA interference is not yet known.
香港大学(The University of Hong Kong,简称“港大”)是享誉全球的公立研究型大学,素有“亚洲常春藤”之称。在全球大学排名中,香港大学近期跻身第26位,继续引领着高等教育的创新与发展。如今,该校微生物学系的Dr. Zhu ...
The new research, however, paints a different picture. The team discovered a gene that produces an RNA molecule—not a protein—controls where dark pigments are made during butterfly metamorphosis.
New methods to shape RNA molecules into circles could lead to more effective and long-lasting therapies, shows a study by researchers at the University of California San Diego. The advance holds ...
The work was published Aug. 26 in Nature Biomedical Engineering. RNA molecules have emerged as powerful tools in modern medicine. They can silence genes through small interfering RNAs (siRNAs ...
Dai Jianwu and Zhao Yannan from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences employed a combination of lineage tracing and single-cell RNA sequencing ...
The work is titled " Noncoding RNA Terc-53 and hyaluronan receptor Hmmr regulate aging in mice" Mechanistically, they find that Terc-53 binds to and promotes the degradation of Hmmr, leading to ...