一架五星级 A380 超豪华客机在国际首航途中遭遇劫机,国际安保专家高皓军挺身而出与一众暴徒周旋,女儿小军被困机舱,劫匪头目 Mike以全机800余人性命为筹码威胁……这场危机该如何化解,机上乘客能否平安降落呢?
On our connecting flight between Seoul Incheon and Manila, we were supposed to depart from Gate 242 until a last minute gate ...
A year ago [Ramy RC] set out on a momentous challenge: to build a 1:21 scale Airbus A380-800 RC model with functional engines, landing gear and all other details. Recently he finished the project ...
Celebration of Firsts Hi everyone! This is my first-ever report :) I Flew British Airways World Traveller economy class on ...
In 2007, Airbus, the world's biggest commercial plane manufacturer, introduced the world's largest commercial aircraft by passenger capacity — the A380-800. Take a look at the 10 of the world's ...
以我这次入手的蓝戟A380 Photon 6G OC为例,入手价只需要800元左右,却能提供4个满配输出接口+可圈可点的游戏性能+强悍的视频编解码能力,干活娱乐 ...
(柏林、巴黎18日讯)德国汉莎航空(Lufthansa)和法国航空(Air ...
But the superjumbo age of airline elegance is fading fast. Manufacture of the 747-800 passenger jet and the Airbus A380 ended in the early part of this decade. The COVID-19 pandemic, which parked ...
暑期档其实有点尴尬收官,月饼吃着也不是很香。9月1日那个周日过后,全国单日平均票房就在3000万左右徘徊。还有一个非常尴尬的情况,方励呕心沥血的纪录片《里斯本丸沉没》在豆瓣已经飙到了9.3分,但是票房,15天还没到2000万,好在自称卖房拍片的方老师 ...