在几乎所有真核生物中,线粒体DNA(mtDNA)都能编码氧化磷酸化所需的蛋白以及合成这些蛋白所需的RNAs,目前研究人员并不是非常清楚mtDNA拷贝数和表达的调节机制,但至关重要的是,研究人员确定了细胞核和mtDNA编码亚基的OXPHOS复合体的正确化学计量组装机制。 近日,一篇发表在国际杂志Cell Metabolism上题为“Misregulation of mitochondrial 6mA ...
文章中,研究人员识别出了两种特殊酶类,其能调节包括人类在内的多种物种机体线粒体DNA中名为腺嘌呤甲基化(adenine methylation)或6mA的化学修饰 ...
"Our team identified 2 enzymes that regulate a chemical modification -- adenine methylation or 6mA -- in mitochondrial DNA across various species, including humans." "Removing this modification ...
Adenine was first discovered in 1885 by the German physiologist Albrecht Kossel. He isolated adenine from the pancreas of oxen and named it "adenine" derived from the Greek word "aden," meaning gland.
"Our team identified two enzymes that regulate a chemical modification—adenine methylation or 6mA—in mitochondrial DNA across various species, including humans." "Removing this modification ...
“Our team identified 2 enzymes that regulate a chemical modification – adenine methylation or 6mA – in mitochondrial DNA across various species, including humans.” “Removing this ...
"Our team identified 2 enzymes that regulate a chemical modification – adenine methylation or 6mA – in mitochondrial DNA ...
Subscribe for FREE “But as we age it mutates, contributing to diseases like dementia, cancer and diabetes. “Our team identified 2 enzymes that regulate a chemical modification – adenine methylation or ...
the amount of adenine is equal to the amount of thymine, and the amount of guanine is equal to the amount of cytosine in a double-stranded DNA molecule. This 1:1 ratio of A:T and G:C is crucial for ...