让人意外的发现是,IgG1-G396R变异体在全球人口中出现显著两极化分布态势,其在非洲、欧洲、美洲(含北美洲,中美洲和南美洲)和大洋洲的主体人口中出现频率极低(minor allele frequency,MAF,仅为万分之几),但是在如下族群人口中频率较高:Bougainville population ...
Research reveals the impact of environmental changes on genetic variation over time. In a new study, scientists from Arizona ...
The complexity of contemporary biology is a source of wonder, fear, and misunderstanding. Thierry Hoquet reviews the major ...
2024年9月11日,清华大学生命学院、生命中心、免疫学研究所、膜生物学全国重点实验室的刘万里教授,与国内多位交叉学科合作者(西湖大学医学院陈相军研究员,华大生命科学研究院金鑫研究员,陆军军医大学邓国宏教授,北京大学黄岩谊教授,清华大学生命学院郗乔然研究员,复旦大学上海医学院陆路研究员)在免疫学顶级期刊《自然-免疫学》(Nature ...
The following is a summary of “Uncovering molecular mechanisms for amelanotic/hypopigmented primary cutaneous melanoma,” ...
Fossils found in China and elsewhere show the starts and stops of this evolutionary process throughout the Cretaceous in long ...
Drug development companies are working to increase the chances of clinical success by improving biomarker identification, validation, and analysis.
The developed statistical method paves the way for next generation demographic and selection inference by combining information from several heritable genomic and epigenomic markers.
Using NGS in prognostic assessments enhances myelofibrosis prognosis and survival estimates, representing a step toward personalized medicine in myelofibrosis.
RPE-1 cells adapt to aneuploidy in vitro, a process characterized by reduced CIN and inflammation. This study shows that this ...