Belsen was established in 1943, originally as a detention camp for Jews who were to be exchanged for German prisoners of war. By 1945 it held some 60,000 people who had been evacuated from ...
Richard Dimbleby describes the scenes of almost unimaginable horror that greeted him as he toured Belsen concentration camp shortly after its liberation by the British in April 1945. Bergen-Belsen ...
Anne Frank had been held in Belsen but died six weeks before it was ... The effects of what Herbert witnessed took its toll and in September 1945 he fell ill and was hospitalised, his body ...
由中共中央党史研究室第一研究部编著,王秀鑫、郭德宏主编的《中华民族抗日战争史(1931-1945)》,基于作者对中国全民族抗日战争史料的积累,全面、准确、系统地记述了中华民族英勇抵抗日本侵略的历史,展示了中国共产党在全民族抗战中的中流砥柱作用 ...
For 40 years the horror of what Kenny had seen in April 1945 had stayed with him ... later called the “Beast of Belsen”). He ...
Donald Sheppard, a British veteran of World War II who landed on the beaches of Normandy during D-Day, helped liberate the ...
A D-DAY veteran who helped liberate the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp has died ... advanced to safety and was present in Hamburg in May 1945 when victory was declared. He served his country ...
My mother was liberated from Bergen Belsen. Today, mass graves are starkly spread about the site of the Camp. The mounds are filled with the bodies of 20,000 Jews pushed into their tombs by ...
AfD becomes first far-right party to win German state election since 1945 By Christian Edwards , Claudio Otto , Matties Otto and Nadine Schmidt , CNN 5 minute read ...