"Hong Kong has always been a key part of China's engagement with the world," said Dilma Rousseff, President of the New ...
据国家知识产权局介绍,第三届“一带一路”知识产权高级别会议将于9月11日至13日在北京举办,将邀请约70个共建“一带一路”国家知识产权机构、国际和地区组织的负责人及驻华使馆代表,以及国内相关部门和地方的知识产权部门代表、产业界和学术界代表等参会,人数 ...
中国的“一带一路”(BRI)项目曾被视为推动南亚区域发展的基石,但如今在整个南亚地区面临重大挫折。从巴基斯坦到斯里兰卡再到尼泊尔,这些由中国资助的项目受到安全问题、国内政治紧张局势以及地缘政治竞争(尤其是与印度)的影响。尽管面临诸多障碍,中国仍然是该 ...
"The Belt and Road Initiative can drive green development." Dilma Rousseff, the president of New Development Bank emphasized on the "green feature" of the BRI on the 2024 Belt and Road Summit.
(法新社华盛顿18日电) 美国11月总统大选战鼓频催,今天公布的一份民调显示,民主党总统候选人贺锦丽在摇摆州宾州与密西根州大幅领先共和党对手川普。这两个「蓝墙」(blue wall)州,被视为赢得白宫大位的关键。
(法新社华盛顿15日电) 执行太空探索科技公司「北极星黎明」任务的太空船「乘龙号」今天凌晨溅落在美国佛州外海。这项任务创造历史,是首次由非官方太空人执行史上首趟民间太空漫步任务。
(原标题:2024 Belt and Road Summit | Nicholas Ho: Central Asia and Eastern Europe are the new frontiers) ...
The 2024 Belt and Road Summit, which will be held from September 11 to 12, centers on the theme of "Building a Connected, Innovative, and Green Belt and Road." In an interview with an SFC journalist, ...
Co-hosted by WTPF and the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS), the forum as part of the 2024 China ...
The Shenxing PLUS battery from Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Ltd. (CATL) is exhibited during the 24th China ...
(原标题:2024 Belt and Road Summit | John Lee Ka-chiu: Olympic spirit applies to the next decade of the BRI) ...