A groundbreaking new study has reignited the debate over whether political ideology is linked to brain structure.
That study found that compared to liberals, conservatives tend to have larger amygdalas and smaller anterior cingulate ...
Conservative voters have slightly larger amygdalas than progressive voters—by about the size of a sesame seed. In a ...
The BARR phenomenon flips a "switch" that resets neurons during sleep and prevents the brain from experiencing memory ...
Between and around the billions of neurons in the human brain is an equally vital scaffold, the extracellular matrix (ECM).
For a long time, the claim has been made that the brains of conservative people are different than those of progressives.
Meditation reshapes the brain by increasing gray matter density in regions responsible for memory and emotional regulation.
The pandemic’s negative effects on kids and teens included changes to young brains, a new study has found. A researcher and a ...
A 2011 study famously proposed differences between the conservative and liberal brain, but a team has now replicated some of ...
For the first time, scientists have mapped the human brain during pregnancy and witnessed the stages of this metamorphosis.
“This press release appears to overstate the findings of this current study. The study shows that post lockdown female brains overall demonstrated greater than expected cortical thinning but not that ...
The introduction of genetic and brain markers provides guidance for future precision care in autism spectrum disorders.