当我们漫步在绿意盎然的森林,或是踏过金黄的麦田时,常常会忽略脚下还有一个充满生机的“地下王国”,那里居住着一群“吃货”——土壤动物。虽然体型微小,但土壤动物以及土壤动物的食物网却对生态系统的健康起着重要的作用。今天,就让我们一起化身福尔摩斯,一同揭开 ...
Exocrine cells in the pancreas produce enzymes that help digest food. Adenocarcinoma is the most common type ... Accounting for about 7% of all pancreatic tumors, the classification of pancreatic ...
Obesity is a key factor in cardiovascular disease, prompting the ESC to recommend comprehensive strategies for prevention and ...
Among older adults, acute kidney injury is tied to a higher risk for dementia, particularly Lewy body dementia or Parkinson disease-related dementia.
BackgroundIdiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic progressive interstitial lung disease characterized by unexplained ...
Ongoing research is exploring new molecular targets and targeted therapies for this challenging disease.
Activation of macrophage TLR4 by bacterial endotoxins is important for the progression of sepsis, but the underlying ...
The gut microbiota and its functional metabolites play crucial roles in the development of intestinal fibrosis in patients ...
After being diagnosed with a type of gynecologic cancer, it is essential for patients to understand the molecular makeup of their disease.
Patients with sepsis exhibit a spectrum of dysfunctional responses ranging from an exaggerated hyperinflammatory state to ...