我们也欢迎读者投稿亲自实践的创新型用例。 今天,我们分享 X 平台用户 @dr_cintas 使用 Claude 3 (具体版本不详)生成勾股定理动画的用例。
Claude 3 is a powerful language model created by Anthropic, that offers you a wide range of functionalities designed to enhance your productivity and unleash your creativity. This guide by AI ...
加拿大学生用AI协助自制核聚变反应堆 前段时间,Claude 3.5帮助右手骨折工程师一周肝出3000行代码。现在,又有00后数学系本科生借助AI,用了一个月 ...
或许是听到了这些人的心声,今天 Claude(3.5 Sonnet)终于添加了 LaTeX 渲染功能预览,从而能够以一致的格式显示数学方程式和表达式。 LaTeX 渲染的 ...
Google-backed AI company Anthropic has released Claude 3, its latest set of AI large language models (LLMs) rivaling — and allegedly beating — those being developed by OpenAI and Google.
including Claude 3, Claude 3 Opus, and Claude 3.5 Sonet. This unveiling provides developers with valuable insights into the models’ inner workings and offers guidelines for implementing similar ...
据了解,Claude 3.5 Sonnet属于中等尺寸模型,介于Haiku和Opus两者之间,其在前代的基础带来了更好的性能,并且编码、视觉和自然语言理解能力更强 ...
Anthropic product lead Scott White says the company is developing new methods to connect external data sources to Claude.
The prompt caching feature is available in public beta on Claude 3.5 Sonnet and Claude 3 Haiku, but support for the largest Claude model, Opus, is still coming soon. Prompt caching, described in ...
But now, Anthropic has beat the jailbreakers at their own game, going ahead and revealing the operating instructions for its models Claude 3.5 Sonnet, Claude 3 Haiku and Claude 3 Opus on its ...
本文来自微信公众号:微信公众号(ID:null),作者:桃子、好困,原标题《数学系本科生卧室手搓「核聚变反应堆」,Claude 3.5 立大功!0 基础 ...