Craniopharyngiomas are benign brain tumors that derive from embryonic malformations and are commonly found at the sellar/parasellar, suprasellar region from sella turcica to the third ventricle along ...
If you would like, you can donate to Maya's fundraiser here An inspirational schoolgirl with a brain tumour has won the ...
Pediatric craniopharyngioma is a benign tumor that grows in the sellar region but has invasive biological behavior. Historically, it has been recognized to be a formidable pathology primarily due to ...
CNS cancer is a type of cancer that forms in the central nervous system. It includes brain stem glioma, craniopharyngioma, medulloblastoma and meningioma. Epigenetic therapy triggers myriad ...
The neuroradiographic differential diagnosis for the lesion included craniopharyngioma, hypothalamic–chiasmatic astrocytoma, germinoma and Rathke’s cleft cyst. The patient underwent resection where ...
Adipsic diabetes insipidus is an infrequent disease which may be associated with craniopharyngioma. It may be secondary to the tumour’s extension, as well as to resection of the mass. We present the ...
Other brain tumors are infrequent. The next most common is meningioma, but other tumors have included astrocystoma, craniopharyngioma, and oligodendroglioma. These tumors may well be secondary to ...
In a major discovery, scientists have presented the first evidence of Alzheimer's disease transmission in living individuals.
Dean is currently 18 months old. His family describes him as ‘full of energy’ — he loves to play, and is a big fan of cuddling. While he’s often seen with a smile on his face, you wouldn’t know of the ...
Contact the study team to discuss study eligibility and potential participation. Pre-registration: Patients must have local diagnosis of papillary craniopharyngioma and have tissue slides available ...