New legislation has been introduced to improve safety online and give people greater control over their personal information.
为提升网络安全,并赋予民众对个人信息的更大掌控权,澳大利亚正着手推出新的立法。点击 ▶ 收听完整报道。 要点: 司法部长马克·德雷福斯计划推动立法,明确禁止“人肉搜索”这一行为; 所谓人肉搜索,即未经允许在网上公开个人信息,以煽动骚扰; 根据新法,犯有此罪者将面临最高七年的牢狱之灾。 点击 ▶ 收听播客。 恶意在网上公开他人私密信息者,或将面临长达七年的监禁。 具体而言,若被证实进行人肉搜索,将面 ...
Doxing is the act of publishing another person's personally identifiable information for the purposes of harassment, intimidation, or humiliation. Published information can include the target's ...
Sky News has revealed the government is set to introduce new hate speech legislation that will classify matters of serious ...
Several South Dakota residents say they experienced deceit and harassment from members of the pro-abortion group Dakotans for ...
Dallas Humber, 34, and Matthew Allison, 37, were both charged for soliciting hate crimes and soliciting the murder of federal ...
The 764 network is among the most populated harm communities, but there are plenty more. Some of the largest such known ...
A Henderson County elections official will remain on the county's board of elections following an emergency meeting Sept. 16.
The refusal to see antisemitism leads to the antisemitic tropes of Jewish power and Jewish perfidy whenever ordinary Jews so much as stick up for themselves. Op-ed.
The packet highlights what SG classifies as “glaring issues” with the drafted policies that “if left unchecked …could ...
Katharine Kemp is a member of the Expert Advisory Panel of the Consumer Policy Research Centre. Almost four years since the Privacy Act review commenced, the ...