These immature infants, much more helpless than, say, a newborn chimp, would have needed an extended period of care, more like a modern human baby. This in turn suggests that his species must have ...
Welcome to the human digestive system! Join Dr Chris, Dr Xand and Dr Ronx as you travel through the digestive systems from the mouth … to the bum! Discover how the human body munches ...
Early humans were in the area for about 700,000 years, making large hand axes from nearby stone, explained Dr Potts. "[Technologically], things changed very slowly, if at all, over hundreds of ...
In a study published today in the Journal of Human Evolution of the timing of puberty in Pleistocene teens, ... The evolution of bones in primates' knees could have implications for how humans ...
Standing proud in the Museum's Human Evolution gallery are two of the most scientifically accurate reconstructions that exist of a Neanderthal and early modern human. Find out how these lifelike ...
Bellomo, R. V. Methods of determining early hominid behavioral activities associated with the controlled use of fire at FxJj 20 Main, Koobi Fora. Journal of Human Evolution 27, 173-195 (1994).
New evidence supports the hypothesis that ADHD is not a psychological disorder, rather a condition brought about by genetic ...
Early humans used planted pikes, not spears, to kill mammoths in the Ice Age, new research suggests. Archaeologists say the ...
The findings, according to the study, published in the journal Antiquity, add to our growing understanding of the adaptability of early seafaring humans who made daring crossings from Asia to the ...
The researchers looked at how early humans used sharpened rocks to bring down large animals, investigating the use of razor-sharp rocks called Clovis points. The findings indicate humans may have ...