Catholic Social Teaching (CST) is the collection of beliefs of the Catholic Church on the subject of social, economic, and ...
Pope Francis criticizes the evil in Trump’s refusal to welcome immigrants and in Harris’ support for abortion. Yet he’s ...
His most celebrated book, The Pope, the Council, and the Mass: Answers to Questions the Traditionalists Have Asked, ...
A look back at the Second Vatican Council through the coverage offered by America and Commonweal offers two lessons: First, ...
He’s written several explainers for The Dispatch in the last year, but proved his skill as a personal essayist with a piece ...
He first introduces us to the stated ideals of this Parliament among which were “to promote and deepen the spirit of human ...
Special Masses are celebrated in Catholic churches throughout the world marking the Season of Creation, Sept. 1 to Oct. 4, ...
He is a regular television commentator and the author and co-author of twelve books books including The End of Certainty on the politics and economics of the 1980s. His recent books include Triumph ...
Pluralist hearts
A respect for faiths other than one’s own, a desire to befriend people of other faiths, was, however for Gandhi, not merely a ...
Our restricted notion of procreation is a vestigial Christian notion; it is a Christian heresy.
Pope Francis has completed his historic first visit to Southeast Asian and Pacific nations. The papal apostolic visit covered ...
When Pope Francis said Friday that U.S. voters must choose between the "lesser of two evils," he didn't outwardly make a ...