24系列(i2c接口)的EEPROM及FRAM通用接口驱动,如AT24C16、FM24CL16。通过型号自动识别片容量大小和页容量大小,支持页写、非整齐页写、翻页;兼容EEPROM和FRAM。统一接口,屏蔽底层差异,方便移植。使用时只需设置好具体EEPROM型号、从地址、页写延时函数、写保护 ...
传统的存储技术相比,FRAM在对需要非易失性、高速读写、低功耗、高读写耐久这些综合性能的应用领域表现出众、口碑良好。FRAM的特点是速度快,能够像RAM一样操作,读写功耗极低,不存在如EEPROM的最大写入次数的问题,是一种高可靠性的存储器,目前在仪器 ...
FRAM memory chips have memory cells that contain a specific ferroelectric material such as a crystal of zirconium or titanium, or oxygen and lead. FRAM memory is much faster than Flash memory.
Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings The Adafruit I2C FRAM breakout board is a 32K non-volatile memory board using ferromagnetic RAM ...
FeRAM (铁电RAM) 是一种具有快速写入速度的非易失性存储器。 与传统的非易失性存储器 (如EEPROM,闪存) 相比,FeRAM不需要备用 ...
The Fram Chair seeks to recognize excellence in the application of critical thinking that was used in the preparation and creation of an exhibit at Imagine RIT. This recognition is not for the exhibit ...
I'm relatively new to the MSP world or microcontrollers. Just wondering if there exists any code or tutorials specifically about how to write and read to the FRAM? I ...
Gene Fram is a Professor Emeritus now living in the swirls of Silicon Valley—only six miles from Stanford. Enjoying the perpetual sun, a few earthquake tremors and the changing lifestyle around him.
Fram is the strongest wooden ship ever built and still holds the records for sailing farthest north and farthest south. At the Fram Museum you can come on board the ship and see how the crew and their ...