Cowboy由Adrien Roose、Karim Slaoui和Tanguy Goretti于2017年创立,旨在通过高度结合互联技术的互联电动自行车改变城市交通。该公司是首家在2022年获得B类企业的电动自行车制造商。(品牌方舟) ...
直接空气捕获对于实现全球脱碳目标越来越重要,因为它直接从大气中去除二氧化碳并将其永久封存,从而抵消难以减少的排放。但它也面临着早期气候技术中非常常见的挑战——成本高昂且技术难度大,而成本只会随着规模的增长才可能下降。CarbonCapture ...
Scientists use atomic clocks to measure the "second," the smallest standard unit of time, with great precision. These clocks ...
The low-energy excited state of thorium-229 (229Th) isotope nucleus has recently gained much attention owing to it being an ideal candidate for ultra-precise nuclear clocks. Building such ...
since the ordinary form is converted in part into the less sweet isomer, and finally an equilibrium is attained between the two isomers: α⇌β.
Cowboy, the Brussels-based company that has been designing and selling electric bikes that you can see in major cities across ...
Businesses selling intoxicating hemp products in New Jersey without a cannabis license could soon face significant fines.
Despite being rarely explored in previous studies, defect tailoring and hierarchy control have been proven to be quite ...
When aiming for a slim figure, it's best to opt for herbal teas as often as possible - they are a great alternative to sugary ...
Esketamine, the S isomer of ketamine, has already gained approval for treatment-resistant depression under the trademark Spravato; psilocybin and ketamine have been shown to provide benefits to ...