The original three live action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles films that aired on the big screen during the 90's.
Rebuild the Galaxy," shares what it's like to use the LEGO format to unlock the galactic storytelling secrets of their newest ...
说起游戏开发界的劳模,论高产TT Games(不是讲故事那个啦)一定会榜上有名。六月份刚蹭了一波电影《超人总动员2》的热度,同步发售了乐高游戏 ...
Rebuild the Galaxy continues the LEGO Star Wars tradition of messing with the timeline to have fun with the canon. Here, we ...
Coming to life from the 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live-action film, the turtles are rising out of the sewer with a new set of 1/10 Art Scale statues. We have already seen Mikey and Raphael ...
继《海贼王》、《火影忍者》、《一拳超人》真人化后,最近又有传言指出人气漫画《死神 BLEACH》有望推出「美版」真人电影。 消息源自于爆料帐号 DanielRPK ,其声称 Warner Bros. 已着手开发真人版《死神 ...
Ilmar finds out where Cassano is, but before he can get there, he's jumped by Team Aguero; while Viole dons his Slayer robes to find Ilmar.
【本文由小黑盒作者@烛争幽Wisps于07月14日发布,未经许可不得转载!】 大家好,我是烛争幽,经过3天的爆肝终于是把地平线4的乐高DLC全收集了,不 ...
The 'Ice Ice Baby' rapper's '90s jam gets a loving homage in 'TMNT: Mutant Mayhem' thanks to producer Seth Rogen. Ice Cube chats with ET about his new film, 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ...
they helped create what many still consider to be the best of all the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies. They may have looked a little puppety, but they pulled off enough of the moves and ...
本帖为1.4.1补丁的机制说明,补丁已于今天凌晨上线,主要内容为莉莉丝火花的BUG修正,以及各个职业的细微调整,总的来说变化不大,接着奏乐接着舞。 虽然暴雪篝火之前的蓝贴还是一如既往的内容少,但好在可以从其它地方得到一些篝火的【剧透】——比如 ...