作为尼康第二款全画幅单反,D700拥有D300的体积,接近顶级机D3的性能,特别是52点对焦系统和高速连拍足以满足专业用户苛刻的要求,所以一经推出 ...
尽管外观设计上不占优,但凭借严谨的造工,优异的功能,以及相对合理的价格,尼康S系列卡片产品依然拥有不少支持者。就今年的春季发布会看来 ...
在2022年发布的腾龙50-400mm F4.5-6.3 Di III VC VXD超远摄变焦镜头最初只有索尼E卡口版本,不过此镜的Z卡口版本相信很快就会正式露面,让尼康微单相机 ...
IT之家 8 月 30 日消息,科技媒体 nikonrumors 昨日(8 月 29 日)发布博文,分享了尼康 Z 50 II 相机的相关信息,并透露主要有 3 点改进。 外观更符合 ...
So I was really excited when Nikon finally announced a Z-mount 35mm lens, a lens that I expect to be one of the best-selling lenses for Nikon mirrorless cameras. Sadly, however, that doesn't mean ...
Of all the beginner DSLR cameras we've tested, the one we'd buy is the Nikon D3500. Officially it's been discontinued, but you can still find it online. And we would try, because it's simple to ...