Scientists have created "a form of information immortality" meant to instruct future species on how to recreate humans. But ...
Proteins are composed of combinations of 20 different amino acids, arranged into diverse sequences like words. But ...
该研究通过简易的蛋白质改造策略,利用TadA同源物开发靶向范围更广的胞嘧啶碱基编辑器,并首次在DMD小鼠模型中实现了外显子55的跳跃。 碱基编辑(Base editing,BE)可以实现单个碱基的精准编辑,被认为是更安全的基因编辑方式,在基础研究、药物开发、基因 ...
Scripps Research scientists have created a method using four-nucleotide codons to incorporate non-canonical amino acids into ...
研究显示,铁皮石斛多糖和亚精胺联合使用具有协同抗衰老作用,当铁皮石斛多糖浓度为250 mg/L和亚精胺29 mg/L时,延寿益处最大,可将秀丽隐杆线虫的寿命延长40%,协同作用可能主要通过改变脂质代谢途径来介导的,为抗衰老提供了一种新方向。
Illuminating the experience of people living with sickle cell could improve patients’ lives and enhance all of medicine ...
A recent analysis investigated the state of metabolic disruption experienced by patients with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), ...
The Scripps technique could be used to re-engineer existing proteins—or create entirely new ones—that have utility in a range ...
Metabolic rewiring is essential for osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption. This study shows that glutaminolysis ...
一氧化氮(NO)曾普遍被视为一种有毒有害气体,应尽可能远离。然而,后来的科学研究揭示它在生物体内发挥极为重要的生理作用,NO ...