Despite the significant progress in OFET technology, several challenges remain to be addressed. One of the main challenges is improving the charge carrier mobility and stability of organic ...
图1 基于扩展栅有机场效应晶体管(OFET)的酶传感器能够在微摩尔(μM)水平上对汗液葡萄糖进行高灵敏度和选择性检测。高效液相色谱(HPLC)分析验证的准确性表明,基于OFET的传感器具有 ...
Yet, the breakdown mechanism and performance of LDR-OFET remain unexplored due to the missing mature theories and analytical models. In this article, through the combination of commercial technology ...
1qyednc 前沿材料探索研究推动技术创新:在忆阻器、OFET、碳基材料等新兴领域的最新研究成果,泰克通过电学特性测试方案帮助工程师深入了解这些材料的性能和应用,为未来的技术创新奠定 ...
The exceptional high mobility of this polymer of up to 10 cm2/Vs [2] via solution-processed techniques, combined with its intrinsic air stability (even during annealing) has made PDPP2T-TT-OD of ...
Force-distance mapping AFM images were taken of the active layer after JV-curve extraction. Organic Field-Effect Transistor (OFET) devices with top-contact, bottom-gate architecture. P3HT was ...
In recent years, extensive research efforts have been made to develop novel π-conjugated materials including small molecules, oligomers, and polymers, and to use them in various applications such as ...
图 维生素C对有机半导体材料和器件的保护作用。(a)VC-PU处理前后的OFET结构示意图;(b)稳定策略的机制示意图;(c)本研究所采用的9种有机半导体分子式;(d)VC-PU处理前后不同有机 ...
有机光电材料:由于 TPA 和 TBZ 都是常用于有机光电材料中的功能基团,TPA-TBZ-S 类化合物可能在有机发光二极管(OLED)、有机光伏材料(OPV)或有机场效应晶体管(OFET)中具有潜在的应用。
前沿材料探索研究推动技术创新:在忆阻器、OFET、碳基材料等新兴领域的最新研究成果,泰克通过电学特性测试方案帮助工程师深入了解这些材料的性能和应用,为未来的技术创新奠定基础 ...