拉斯维加斯 - Oracle 宣布在其 Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management (HCM) 的 Oracle Dynamic Skills 解决方案中引入新的开放技能架构。这项创新旨在帮助组织制定全面的基于技能的人才战略,更好地了解和利用员工技能,扩大人才获取渠道,并促进更明智的劳动力决策。
AI-powered bespoke skills inventory: Enables HR leaders to gain a complete catalog of their organization’s skills that can be ...
在当今愈发数据驱动的商业环境中,甲骨文(Oracle)再次引领潮流,推出面向Fusion Data ...
Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite通过引入强大的AI功能,无疑为企业的智能化转型注入了强大动力。这一系列创新不仅提升了现有业务流程的效率与准确性,更预示了AI在企业创新中所扮演的决定性角色。随着AI技术的持续演进,我们期待看到更多的企业借助Oracle这样的智能平台,破茧成蝶,把握未来的无限机遇,应对瞬息万变的市场挑战。 返回搜狐,查看更多 ...
全球知名科技公司甲骨文(Oracle)共同创办人艾里森(Larry Ellison)冻龄有方,现年80岁的他外表仿佛只有50岁,看起来整整年轻了30岁,备受推崇,而另一位抗老狂人强森(Bryan Johnson)也大赞他的外表:“在应对生 ...
The new open skills architecture within Oracle Dynamic Skills includes: AI-powered bespoke skills inventory: Enables HR leaders to gain a complete catalog of their organization's skills that can ...
IBM announced that its acquiring leading Oracle consulting services company Accelalpha, while also expanding its focus on ...
Oracle Dynamic Skills enables organizations to ... By connecting all employee data on a single platform, HR teams have access to a single source of truth to help inform their people strategy.
Oracle announced over 50 specialised AI agents integrated into its Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite during CloudWorld ...
New AI-powered capabilities in Oracle Fusion will optimise finance, supply chain, HR, sales and marketing, writes ARTHUR ...
Oracle's Fusion business suite has received extensive new features and updates, particularly for the supply chain.