Scientists may be closer than ever to learning how plant communication systems work and translating the signals plants use to talk.
In an email to The Post this week, a Boar’s Head spokesperson said, “We do not currently have any plans to reopen this plant.
近日,中国科学院昆明植物研究所青藏高原植物进化与适应专题组在青藏高原东北部高寒草地研究了农业活动引入的意大利蜜蜂和白菜型油菜对本地传粉者群落、植物与传粉之间的连接模式、多种开花植物繁殖成功的影响。研究结果表明,意大利蜜蜂的引入增加了本地传粉者之间的竞 ...
赵金山感谢中国科学院分子植物卓越中心多年来对学校发展所给予的大力支持和帮助,介绍了学校发展历程和主要成就,重点介绍了园林与林学院在浮萍种质资源收集,重离子辐射诱变突变体库(全球唯一)建立和浮萍规模化培养装置研发等方面开展的工作和取得成绩。希望双方加强 ...
Three Mile Island, the Pennsylvania power plant that was the scene of the worst commercial nuclear accident in American ...
有些人会用微波炉或烤箱加热、烤熟酪梨。梅赫拉提醒,这种方式无法让酪梨进入真正成熟的状态,果肉虽可快速软化,但果肉不能产生与自然成熟的酪梨相同的风味与口感。如果非用这种办法不可,先用叉子刺穿酪梨,放入微波炉专用的料理袋,以强火加热30秒,就能让果肉变软 ...
The Botany Club at the University of Memphis is nurturing students' passion for plants and community by promoting an appreciation for plant science and the natural world.
Constellation Energy has made an announcement today about the Three Mile Island US nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania on the ...
大皖新闻讯 9月12日,基本科学指标数据库(Essential Science Indicators,简称ESI)公布最新数据,合肥工业大学“植物学与动物学”(Plant & Animal Science)学科进入ESI全球排名前1%行列。9月13日 ...
Michigan State University's Board of Trustees voted to build a new 200,000-sq ft Plant and Environmental Sciences facility.
The researchers tested raw sewage samples collected twice a week from two treatment plants in central Pennsylvania for non-typhoidal Salmonella and characterized isolates using whole genome sequencing ...
Rosatom, the Russian nuclear energy organization, has been running an aggressive campaign towards establishing its nuclear ...