“阴谋论的兔子洞,一旦掉进便很难再出来?” 在信息时代,毫无根据的阴谋论如同病毒般在全球范围内传播,对社会信任、科学普及以及个人心理健康造成了严重危害。数据显示,美国有超过 50% 的人口相信某种形式的阴谋论。
该研究揭示了人类卵母细胞纺锤体双极化的独特病理生理机制(图),发现“多极纺锤体”是人类卵母细胞纺锤体双极化过程中必经的生理状态,明确了调控此过程的关键蛋白;揭示关键基因突变导致双极化异常引起卵子和胚胎发育障碍的病理机制。该研究为人类卵母细胞纺锤体组装 ...
Sep. 12, 2024 — The movement of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the surface of the ocean, where it is in active contact with the atmosphere, to the deep ocean, where it ... Sep. 11, 2024 — If you ...
这种现象背后的影响因素和机制仍不清楚。 近来,美国洛克菲勒大学霍华德休斯医学研究所的Elaine Fuchs研究团队在Science杂志在线发表题为Vitamin A resolves lineage plasticity to orchestrate stem cell lineage ...
刺突蛋白的中间态结构表现出高度动态特性,尤其是stem-helix区域。因此,如何设计免疫原来刺激免疫系统产生针对这一保守区域的中和抗体,将成为 ...
近日,北京大学人民医院泌尿外科徐涛团队联合中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院和北京大学基础医学院,在Advanced Science在线发表题为“Novel CAR-T Cells Specifically Targeting SIA-CIgG ...
According to the American Cancer Society, Black men are about 70 percent more likely than white men to develop prostate cancer in their lifetime and twice as likely to die from the disease ...
Physicists Create Heaviest Antimatter Nucleus Yet Antimatter is one of science's great mysteries. It is produced all around us for fractions of a second, until it collides with matter, and the ...
For almost a century, Science News journalists have covered advances in science, medicine and technology for the general public, including the 1925 Scopes “monkey” trial, the advent of the ...
Sep. 13, 2024 — A new study is providing new insights into how next-generation electronics, including memory components in computers, breakdown or degrade over ... Electrically Modulated Light ...