Talash 并非她本名:在阿富汗,她跳舞的俱乐部因炸弹袭击而被迫关闭,而她也开始收到死亡威胁,为了保护家人,她改名 Talash,意为努力:"我为了那些梦想着更广阔生活的女性而比赛。” ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
提起音乐剧,伦敦西区和美国百老汇这两大世界戏剧中心是绝对绕不过的两座大山。 「伦敦西区音乐剧明星演唱会」由总部位于伦敦的寰宇娱乐公司(Worldwide ...
沙利文访华,是八年来美国总统国家安全事务助理首次访华,无论美方为何种目的,中美加强沟通接触都将为双边关系增添更 ...
In the Paradox Museum, nothing makes sense and yet everything is totally real! And get this – from Thursday through Saturday ...
Experience the ultimate night out at the Oriental Sunset Rooftop Party, set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Shanghai ...
The hook, as you may guess, refers to the hook anglers use to catch fish with. An angler, you see, put a little piece of meat ...