CHENNAI: The forest bench of the Madras High Court on Friday instructed the state chief wildlife warden to initiate ...
科罗拉多大平原(Colorado Great Plains)位于美国中部的科罗拉多州,向东延伸至堪萨斯州。这个地区以其辽阔的草原、丰富的野生动物和独特的地质特征而闻名。科罗拉多大平原不仅是美国重要的农业区,也是自然爱好者和摄影师的天堂。平原上的草地、起伏的丘陵和清新的空气共同描绘出了一幅充满宁静与广袤的自然风景画卷。 English Translation: Title: "The Colorad ...
红杉国家公园位于加利福尼亚州中部的内华达山脉,紧邻著名的优胜美地国家公园(Yosemite National Park)。公园的地理位置使其成为探索加州自然景观的绝佳起点。公园内拥有丰富的地质和生态系统,包括高山森林、冰川湖泊和崎岖的山地地形。红杉树是这里最著名的居民,其巨大的树干和高耸的树冠使其成为自然界的巨人。
A herd of wild horses thought to have been introduced to Louisiana by the Spanish and bred by the Choctaw Indians drink from ...
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has finalized the findings of the ICCWC Toolkit Assessment for Nigeria.
This story was first published by WyoFile on Sept. 17, 2024. DOUGLAS, Wyoming —A deal to sell a half-square-mile swath of ...
Four individuals have been arrested for their involvement in the illegal trade of animal organs in Kota, with authorities seizing monitor lizard genitalia, deer antlers, and jackal skin. The bust was ...
Pilibhit: The UP forest department recently took steps to establish a permanent cadre of veterinary officers for its tiger ...
Deer hunters and other visitors to the Stanislaus National Forest are being urged to remember that fire restrictions are ...
The U.S. Forest Service has received more than 1 million comments over four comment periods urging it to protect mature and ...
Charles Darwin, then a student at Cambridge, was taken on a tour of the woods and moors surrounding his half uncle Sir ...
Beginning Monday and concluding Dec. 13, the Durham, Korstian and Blackwood Divisions of the forest will be closed to the ...