斑马身上除了漂亮的条纹,它们的外形基本和马相似,这也就引发人们的思考,为什么斑马没有广泛应用于乘骑呢?其实根据历史文献记载,非洲和 ...
Similarly, female zebra finches need to hear their species' songs when they're young to perceive them correctly. However, our study shows that social interactions later in life can help make up ...
斑马和马在物种上都属于马科动物,并且它们也都非常擅长奔跑;在很早之前,马就已经在全世界各地被成功驯化,但是斑马却始终没有被人类驯服 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
A bird's-eye view of zebra finch courtship Zebra finches are small Australian songbirds that often partner for life. Males sing melodies to attract a mate, while females learn which tunes they ...
疫情结束之后,经济形势的恢复远不如人们的预期。斑马技术的业务在去年也面临一些挑战。得益于政策的推动、内需逐渐提振、制造企业回流、出海业务的加强以及智能技术的带动,今年上半年呈现明显回升的势头。 斑马技术的大中华区副总裁兼总经理于放 ...
昨天,博世与斑马网络签订战略合作,将在汽车多媒体软硬件及智慧出行解决方案相关领域展开合作。一个是成立已经超过130年的tier1供应商 ...
7成收入都用于销售,日化行业中,除了蓝月亮还有谁? 这也难怪,今年上半年,在收入和毛利润都有较大增长的情况下 ...
Using cutting-edge techniques like optogenetics, they precisely switched off these inhibitory neurons in adult zebra finches. The results were remarkable. The birds, once thought to be stuck with ...
8月20日,斑马百科·品牌升级发布会在北京举行。未来五年,斑马百科将投入10亿元,构建以百科知识和文学知识为核心内容板块的“少儿百科数字内容平台”。同时,斑马百科正式推出“中国少儿科普计划”,发起三个“1000”计划,并与敦煌市博物馆、北京 ...
深圳新闻网2024年8月23日讯(深圳晚报记者 谢启宗 实习生 戴雅诗)近日,位于南山区蛇口片区的部分街道更换了新型细线斑马线,引发市民热议。