(Procopius, Wars, 2.2.6). The words in the epigraph are the testimony of hostile witnesses, attributed by Procopius of Caesarea to envoys of the Ostrogothic king of Italy who have arrived at the court ...
Then appeared the emperor Justinian, entrusted by God with this commission, to watch over the whole Roman Empire and, so far as was possible, to remake it. The Age of Justinian stands at a historical ...
Courts of limited jurisdiction include district and municipal courts. District courts are county courts and serve defined territories, both incorporated and unincorporated, within the counties.
Pager Explosions in Lebanon; Quick Takes: Afghanistan; Indonesia; Israel/Palestine; Readers’ Recommendations; Weekly Quiz!; Videos: Burkina Faso; Kyrgyzstan; US ...
A former judge of the Federal Court of Australia is at the centre of an investigation led by an ex Inspector-General of ...
Welcome to our online presentation of the Caseloads of the Courts of Washington. Data from the state’s Judicial Information System (JIS) are presented here to provide a detailed overview of the level ...
According to the current Constitution, and the Law on the Organization of People's Courts, People's Courts represent the main trial organ of the state. Organizationally, this court system consists ...
The five Byzantine coins, which date back to the reign of Justinian the Great, were uncovered by archaeologists digging at a site in the northern Bulgarian village of Debnevo. The excavation was ...
The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague is a permanent global court that has the power to prosecute individuals and leaders for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
For more than a year, she has been locked in a legal battle with her fellow judges on the Washington, D.C.-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, who have tried to pressure her to ...
Legal publication Justinian reported on Friday that Thom was “seeking to interview old associates about their experiences” working at the Federal Court. Thom is tasked regularly by government ...
Book 1-3 Book 1-17 Book 1-31 Book 1-45 ...