The following instructions presume there is already a kubernetes cluster created in a GCP project and the cluster is accessible with kubectl. See the container engine quickstart guide for a simple ...
Manage Prometheus deploys on Kubernetes. This is an independent project from the Prometheus project.
如果使用了gitlab 的开源版本,那么gitlab 升级的是一个无法逃避的问题,官网虽然提供了升级方案,但是官方提供安装方式比较多,升级方案也只是提供了大概的过程,升级的细节并不是完善,很多小伙伴看完可能还是会比较迷茫。 如果使用了gitlab 的开源版本 ...
相比Fluentd,Promtail专为Loki定制,它可为运行在同一节点的k8s Pods做服务发现,从指定文件夹读取日志。Loki类似Prometheus的标签方式。因此,当与Prometheus部署在同一环境,因为相同的服务发现机制,来自Promtail的日志通常具有与应用程序指标相同的标签,统一标签 ...
On June 17th, 2012, Redditor [5] /u/raineyrainey1000 made a post showing a behind-the-scenes image of the character, which read, "Just my friend in full costume talking to Ridley Scott, he was the ...
In this guide, we look at the market-leading container platform Kubernetes, how it works, the challenges with persistent storage and backup, and how they have been overcome Continue Reading ...