The "debt trap" narrative promoted by Western powers against China "is highly hypocritical," Honduran Vice Foreign Minister Gerardo Torres told Xinhua in a recent interview on the sidelines of the ...
中秋节是中国人民庆祝的一个受欢迎的重要月球节,这个节日是在中国历法的第八个月的第15天举行的。这个节日有一些传统。例如,人们会有一个大的节日。与家人共进晚餐。晚餐后,他们经常享受圆润明亮的满月。中秋节的另一个传统是吃月饼。月饼是当天必不可少的,这意味 ...
Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre made an official visit to China from September 9 to 11. A particularly noteworthy ...
At the 2024 FOCAC Summit, China and Africa's partnership in modernization reached a significant milestone, marking a new ...
Former South African senior diplomat Gert Grobler received a special gift from China. According to the Ministry of Foreign ...
The 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), themed "Global Services, Shared Prosperity," is being held ...
The 7th Hangzhou International Day kicked off on Sep 5, connecting Hangzhou with the world. This year, a series of events ...
杜尚别(Dushanbe)是塔吉克斯坦的首都,坐落在该国西部的瓦赫什河(Vakhsh ...
俄罗斯国营电视台(RT)一个七天24小时全天候广播的英语新闻频道,提供俄罗斯对全球新闻的观点,最近其对乌克兰和俄罗斯战争前线的最新报道,不仅应该引起那些监视世界末日钟发展的人关注,也应该引起所有爱好和平人士注意。世界末日钟是原子科学家公报(SSB)属 ...
The transatlantic slave trade, spanning four centuries, generated immense wealth for Western nations and played a critical ...
2024年中非合作论坛峰会9月4日至6日在北京举行,受到国际学界关注。此际,肯尼亚智库中非政策中心研究主任刘易斯·恩迪舒 (Lewis Ndichu)在接受中新网采访时称,一些西方国家在国际上散布“中国债务陷阱论”,是一种政治操纵,为了扰乱中非关系。
消费者会发现,如今他们购买的汽车已成为美国、加拿大和欧盟国家对抗中国的最新经济战场。过去15年,中国已成为汽车行业的领导者。就全球收入而言,汽车行业收入仅次于卫生和人寿保险行业。但制造业,在就业、获利能力等经济指标上是处于领先地位,在所有主要已开发国 ...