On October 5, 66 veterans will get to experience our nation’s capital in a way many never will when they embark on an Honor Flight. For one veteran, the trip will be a first.
Analysts say the twin moves could be part of a deal to secure China preferential rights to use Ream Naval Base in southern ...
Dwight Middleton, an Air Force veteran and retired teacher, was one of several veterans who on Monday were treated to a sky ...
Dwight Middleton, an Air Force veteran and retired teacher, was one of several veterans who on Monday were treated to a sky ...
Myrtle Beach's Veterans Cafe & Grille serves as a cafe, museum and therapy hub. Closing soon, the owners are asking folks to ...
One night in 1970, Lucky Strike went down. Lucky Strike was a Bell UH-1 Huey, assigned to fly perimeter defense and hunt ...
It is the early 1960s and America stands at a crossroads in Southeast Asia. President Lyndon B. Johnson is in the midst of a ...
American combat aviators are officially recognized as aces (5 or more kills). The number of *living* American aces is much ...
The A-1 Skyraider, introduced during World War II, became the U.S.'s last propeller-driven attack aircraft. First flown in ...
In our ongoing effort to recognize and thank the veterans of the Black Hills, we had the privilege of sitting down with Don ...
Milton A. Lee joined the Army after graduation and was sent to Vietnam in January of 1968 where he worked as a ...
The most successful Soviet fighter pilots of that conflict had no previous serious combat experience. They did not fight ...