THE fact that liquids other than water may serve as media for inorganic reactions is widely recognized ; reactions in the well-known liquid ammonia and liquid sulphur dioxide systems are explained ...
Baku, Azerbaijan. Conversations about the role and integrity of carbon credits have increased lately, as governments and corporations around the world tackle the complex challenge of decarbonisation.
Find out more about new 100% renewable electricity tariffs. If we are to avoid the worst impacts of global warming, we urgently need to reach reduce carbon emissions. But what about removing the ...
Employees of the Institute of Chemistry of Kazan Federal University and the Kazan National Research Technical University have produced especially strong carbon plastics based on phosphate binders ...
Appropriate regulations for transition of these industries from the current ‘Perform, Achieve, and Trade’ (PAT) mode to the ‘Indian Carbon Market’ mode will be put in place,” she said.
Asked whether China's carbon emissions could peak before its 2030 target, as many experts say it is on track to do, agency planning department deputy director Song Wen said, "The dual carbon ...
Building emissions are made up of two parts: operational carbon (from energy used to heat, cool and power buildings) and embodied carbon (due to material use and construction). We know how to ...
They found that the Canadian fires released more carbon in five months than Russia or Japan emitted from fossil fuels in all of 2022 (about 480 million and 291 million metric tons, respectively).
The money will fund projects to make the most carbon intensive industries industry more climate-friendly, including burying carbon underground at offshore sites. The new programme is mostly aimed ...