Prometheus由 Go 语言编写而成,采用 Pull 方式获取监控信息,并提供了多维度的数据模型和灵活的查询接口。Prometheus不仅可以通过静态文件配置监控对象,还支持自动发现机制,能够通过 Kubernetes、Consul、DNS 等多种方式动态获取监控对象。在数据采集方面,借助 Go ...
品牌Logo升级一直是企业在发展过程中所面临的一项重大挑战与机遇。如果执行得当,新Logo不仅能焕发品牌生命力,还能吸引新一代消费者。但如果失败,则可能对品牌形象造成难以挽回的损害。本文将盘点全球外媒评选的10个成功的Logo设计升级案例,探索其 ...
Prometheus不直接支持与Prometheus表达式浏览器和HTTP API连接的基本身份验证(也称为“基本身份验证”)。 如果您要为这些连接强制执行基本身份验证,我们建议将Prometheus与反向代理结合使用,并在代理层应用身份验证。 您可以使用Prometheus的任何反向代理,但在 ...
I’d first learned of the existence of this tree a few months prior on a date. “Have you heard of Prometheus?” asked Caroline, a California-based artist, as we sipped coffee. We had matched on a dating ...
3月4日,巴黎2024巨幅海报作为奥运会的象征之一在巴黎奥赛博物馆展出。奥运会标志性海报这一传统始于1912年斯德哥尔摩奥运会,自那时起,每个举办城市都会通过海报展示其标志性元素。 巴黎2024奥组委聘请了以色彩运用见长的巴黎插画家乌戈·加托尼负责 ...
Alien: Earth creator Noah Hawley has confirmed his upcoming Earth-set prequel series will include at least one of the ...
请注意,带有联合国标志的SDG徽标仅适用于联合国系统合作伙伴。所有其他实体应使用没有联合国标志的SDG徽标。您可根据我们的指南随意使用可 ...
While it has some notable flaws, Fire and Stone #1 serves as a perfectly solid introduction to Dark Horse’s new Alien/Prometheus/Predator series.
In Ridley Scott's 2012 sci-fi film "Prometheus," a group of astronauts travel to a distant planet, guided there by a series of ancient cave paintings discovered on Earth. It seems that tall ...
青云科技半年报 | 经营净现金流持续为正,毛利、毛利率持续提升青云科技 2024 半年度报告正式发布。报告显示,青云科技经营现金流净额持续为正,比上年同期增加 8,084.47 万元,业绩转好趋势较为明显。2024 年 1-6 月,实现毛利 4,875.07 万元,同比增长 11.49%,毛利率 33.82% ,同比提升 8.8 个百分点。智算作为公司业绩新增长点及战略级业务,2024 上半年智算 ...
looks like one of the most exciting movies of the year though it may face some tough competition at the box office this fall. Directed by Ridley Scott, a versed sci-fi movie maker, the film tells ...