Overcoming possessiveness is a profound journey in Hinduism that involves a combination of spiritual practices, self-awareness, devotion, and understanding of the deeper principles of detachment and ...
Praying to Lord Perumal, a popular deity in Hinduism, involves specific rituals, mantras, and a devotional mindset. Known as Lord Vishnu, Perumal is revered in South India, particularly in Tamil Nadu.
The Third Skandha of the Srimad Bhagavad Purana is a significant section of this ancient Indian text, comprising 33 chapters and 1410 verses. It primarily presents two long discourses between Vidura ...
The Fourth Skandha (Book) of the Srimad Bhagavad Purana is rich in stories, teachings, and symbolism. With its 31 chapters and 1,431 verses, this Skandha primarily narrates the lineage of Swayambhuva ...
Indrani and Maheshwari are two of the powerful goddesses in Hindu mythology, revered as part of the Ashta Matrikas and Saptamatrikas, groups of eight and seven mother goddesses, respectively. These ...
Postpartum depression (PPD) is a serious mental health condition that can affect new mothers, and Hinduism offers a rich tapestry of spiritual, psychological, and practical approaches to help overcome ...
The Hindu goddesses Indrani and Varahi hold significant roles in Hindu mythology and religious practice, particularly as part of the Ashta Matrikas (eight mother goddesses) and Saptamatrikas (seven ...
Navagraha worship is an essential practice in Hinduism that involves venerating the nine celestial bodies or deities believed to influence human life and destiny. "Nava" means nine, and "Graha" means ...
To address the issue of "quiet quitting," which refers to doing the bare minimum at work without fully engaging or going above and beyond, Hinduism offers several philosophical insights, practical ...
Perfectionism, while often seen as a positive trait, can lead to stress, dissatisfaction, and a constant feeling of inadequacy. Hinduism offers deep insights, practices, and spiritual tools that can ...
Draupadi Vastraharan, also referred as Panchali Cheer Haran, is an important episode in the Mahabharat. The story is found in the Sabha Parva of the Mahabharata. This episode continues to haunt people ...
This is a collection of stories of Muruga, who is known as Kartik, Subramanian, Skanda, etc. Lord Muruga stories are based on Hindu Puranas. Son of Shiva, Muruga is Deva Senapati, the commander of the ...